
w3af supports these types of authentication credentials that a user can provide in order for the scanner to keep a session open to scan the target web application:

  • HTTP Basic authentication
  • NTLM authentication
  • Form authentication
  • Setting an HTTP cookie

HTTP Basic and NTLM authentication are two types of HTTP level authentication usually provided by the web server, while the form and cookie authentication methods are provided by the application itself. It’s up to the user to identify which authentication method is required to keep a session with the application, but usually a quick inspection of the HTTP traffic will define what’s required.

Basic and NTLM authentication

To configure basic or NTLM credentials open the HTTP settings menu. The configuration set in this section will affect all plugins and other core libraries.

w3af>>> http-settings
w3af/config:http-settings>>> view
| Setting                | Description                                                 |
| ntlm_auth_url          | Set the NTLM authentication domain for HTTP requests        |
| ntlm_auth_user         | Set the NTLM authentication username for HTTP requests      |
| ntlm_auth_passwd       | Set the NTLM authentication password for HTTP requests      |
| ntlm_auth_domain       | Set the NTLM authentication domain (the windows domain name)|
|                        | requests. Please note that only NTLM v1 is supported.       |
| basic_auth_user        | Set the basic authentication username for HTTP requests     |
| basic_auth_passwd      | Set the basic authentication password for HTTP requests     |
| basic_auth_domain      | Set the basic authentication domain for HTTP requests       |

Please note the two different configuration sections for basic HTTP authentication and NTLM authentication. Enter your preferred settings and then save. The scanner is now ready to start an authenticated scan, the next step would be to enable specific plugins and start the scan.

Form authentication

Form authentication has changed significantly in the latest w3af versions. Starting with version 1.6 the form authentication is configured using auth plugins. There are two authentication plugins available in the framework:

  • detailed
  • generic

Authentication plugins are a special type of plugin which is responsible to keep a session alive during the whole scan. These plugins are called before starting the scan (in order to get a fresh session) and once every 5 seconds while the scan is running (to verify if the current session is still alive and create a new one if needed).

This tutorial will explain how to configure the generic authentication plugin which has the following options:

  • username: Web application’s username
  • password: Web application’s password
  • username_field: The name of the username form input that can be found in the login HTML source.
  • password_field: The name of the password form input that can be found in the login HTML source.
  • auth_url: The URL where the username and password are POST’ed to.
  • check_url: The URL that will be used to check if the session is still active, usually this is set to the web application user’s settings page.
  • check_string: A string that if found in the check_url’s HTTP response body proves that the session is still active, usually this is set to a string that can only be found in the user’s settings page, for example his last name.

Once all these settings have been configured, it is recommended to start a test scan only with crawl.web_spider and auth.generic in order to verify that all the post-authentication forms and links are identified. Also, keep an eye on w3af’s log since the authentication plugins will create log entries if there is any issue with the authentication process. Log entries like:

Login success for admin/password User "admin" is currently logged into the application

Are what you would expect to see if the configuration was successful and messages like:

Can't login into web application as admin/password

Show that either the plugin configuration is incorrect, or the application requires more parameters to be sent to the auth_url which in some cases is solved by using the detailed plugin.


Configure the crawl.web_spider plugin to ignore the logout link. This is important since we want to keep the session alive for the duration of the scan.


Creating new authentication plugins is easy! Custom authentication types can be added by cloning the detailed auth plugin.

Setting HTTP headers

Some Web applications use custom HTTP headers for authentication, this is also supported by the w3af framework.

This method will set an HTTP request header which will be added to each HTTP request that is sent by the framework, note that no verification of the session’s state is made when using this method, if the session is invalidated the scan will continue using the invalid session (header value).

In order to use this method you’ll first have to:

  • Create a text file using your favorite text editor with the following contents: Cookie: <insert-cookie-here>, without the quotes and inserting the desired session cookie.
  • Then, in w3af’s http-settings configuration menu set the headers_file configuration parameter to point to the recently created file.
  • save

The w3af scanner is now configured to use the HTTP session cookie for all HTTP requests.